Version 0.550

0.550 (07/15/2024)

  • Enemy location is now randomized using a Poisson disc sampling algorithm, which guarantees a more uniform distribution. In layman terms, it means that rooms without any enemies won’t be as common, making it easier to keep your combo (as long as you keep going in the right direction fast enough and don’t make any mistake).
  • Enemies no longer use hitscan attacks. Firearms are now very fast projectiles, so running straight into a room becomes an option if you know how to circlestrafe.
  • Added “burst” (multiple projectiles in a row) and “spread” (cone of projectiles) attack patterns for some attacks.
  • Enemy weapon damage should be better balanced
  • Health pickups and ammo pickups now emit a different sound
  • Minor fixes to typos in places names
  • BUGFIX: “quick options” were not displayed correctly in the in-game menu when screen ratio was 4:3 or below

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