A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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A command-line tool to turn PNG images into Doom maps.

The source code is available at github.com/akaAgar/png2wad


  • Any bitmap size
  • Supports doors, secret passages, special sectors, entrances, exits, variable floor/ceiling heights
  • Theme configuration to create maps with various feelings and textures (hell, tech base, sewers...)
  • Can generate maps in the Doom 1 (ExMx) or Doom 2 (MAPxx) name format
  • Optional things generation to create immediately playable maps filled with monsters and items. Or you can disable the thing generator and populate the map yourself using a map editor such as DoomBuilder
  • Includes Bsp for node generation on Windows. On macOS/Linux you'll have to build nodes manually using a third-party node builder before you can play your maps


Using the command-line

Syntax is: PNG2WAD.exe SomeImage.png [SomeOtherImage.png] [YetAnotherImage.png]...

From the GUI

Drag and drop one or more PNG files on PNG2WAD.exe


Output file will always be generated in the directory where PNG2WAD.exe is located and will have a the name of the first PNG file with a wad extension. For instance, if you create a file from SomePlace.png, SomeOtherPlace.png and AThirdPlace.png, the output file will be named SomePlace.wad.

If Doom 1 format has been selected in Preferences.ini, first map will be named ExM1, then ExM2, etc (Where x is the number of the episode as defined in Preferences.ini). Maps beyond ExM9 will be ignored.

If Doom 2 format has been selected in Preferences.ini, first map will be named MAP01, then MAP02, MAP03, etc. Maps beyond MAP99 will be ignored.

Default format is Doom 2.

Creating images

Run your favorite image edition tool and create a new PNG of any size. Each pixel is a 64x64 tile on the map.


The upper-left pixel is always a wall. Its color is ignored and used to select the map theme, as defined in the Preferences.ini file. You can add more themes by editing the file.

Available themes are:

  • Gray (128, 128, 128): cave
  • Red (255, 0, 0): hell
  • Steel blue (128, 128, 255) : city
  • Any other color: tech base (default)

Image pixels

Pixel colorTile type
White (255, 255, 255)Wall
Red (255, 0, 0)Room with special floor (nukage, lava, etc.) as defined in the map theme
Green (0, 128, 0)Room with special ceiling (lamp, etc.) as defined in the map theme
Blue (0, 0, 255)Room with open sky (exterior)
Olive (128, 128, 0)Door
Magenta (255, 0, 255)Secret passage
Yellow (255, 255, 0)Entrance/player start
Lime (0, 255, 0)Exit
Any other colorRoom
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsDoom, FPS, Level Editor, tool


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

PNG2WAD_0.9.zip 72 kB


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(1 edit)

PNG2WAD successfully creates WADS from the example PNGs, but I haven't gotten other PNGS to work (contains no map data).
This includes if I load one of the example PNGs into Paint.net then save it again without making any changes.
Does the PNG have to have a specific bit depth (paint.net is set to automatically detect this)

Edit: I set the bit depth to 32, and it works fine now.

How to run these on mac??? Info please.

You'll have to install Mono, which allows the execution of DotNet applications on macOS. You'll find more information here : https://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/supported-platforms/macos/

Thanks, I will try with Mono.

Deleted 1 year ago

 This A New Backrooms Generator 

 Since i used and when i screenshot on

 Backrooms Generator screen and i put

 Png2wad coverted it  worked good on

 gzdoom, but png2wad only allowed limts

 32640 map size 512x512 from very old

 doom builder, also wall lines size only  64x64 

 and 128x128 wall lines, and ceiling and floor

 64x64 is ok but other 128x128 sky and floor

 can you please update png2wad of renew map size and 

 wall size and ceiling, 

 there a Doom builder 2, x and gzdoom builder

 change grid size from old 32640 map size 512x512

 to now is 65280 map size 1024x1024 and don't 

 put sky, put normal ceiling like 64x64 and

 wall wide lines from 16 to 128,

 so i coverted backrooms map big size

 go from 64 map size to 1024 end of size map

 thank you for your time

 the bottom  backrooms generater screenshot

 that allow you change backrooms map size of 

 32640 map size 512x512

 the bottom  backrooms generater screenshot

 that allow you change backrooms map size of 

 65280 map size 1024x1024